Visual Sound V2 Series V2LC Liquid Chorus Guitar Effects Pedal

Visual Sound V2 Series V2LC Liquid Chorus Guitar Effects Pedal

  • Voiced for electric, acoustic, or bassSpeed controlWidth control Delay time.

Looking for the most amazing true stereo Chorus pedal to come along in years? Look no further than the all-new, single pedal Liquid Chorus from Visual Sound. Wonderfully voiced for electric, acoustic, or bass guitar, using pure analog circuitry, the Liquid Chorus is soon to become a must for every player who wants their sound to stand out from all the rest. At the heart of the Liquid Chorus circuit are custom designed Visual Sound bucket brigade chips. Use the Depth knob to set the overall style of Chorus (from light to lush) and the user-friendly knobs to adjust however you want your chorus to sound.

List Price: $ 178.00

Price: $ 119.95

Kamis, 08 September 2011 by Download Health eBook All
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