Joyo JF-06 Vintage Phase guitar pedal and a modern take on a timeless rock classic

Joyo JF-06 Vintage Phase guitar pedal and a modern take on a timeless rock classic

  • Features true bypass wiring, quality components
  • Replicate sound of Phaser guitar effect of the 70's and 80's
  • Sound is beautiful and intricate, with harmonic nuances galore
  • Simple design and pedal interface, comes with 9V battery

The JF-06 Vintage Phase pedal is a modern replica of the pedal that made Eddie Van Halen's sound! The divebombs and swirling buzz of his custom electric guitars, ran through those high-gain amps cranked to 11 just wouldn't have been the same without a Phaser on select tunes. Probably one of the best, most musical effects a lead guitar can employ for sound creation. There are probably still new tones to be achieved.

The JF-06 from Joyo features true bypass wiring, and only one simple control know, marked "Speed" - this controls the rate at which the phaser cycles its pulses. The thing can go from underwater to subtle beauty and depth in a matter of a 1/16 note. Purchase two if you have several songs where you want to use different (pre-established) rates. The price is so there, it actually makes this possible.

List Price: $ 40.00

Price: $ 40.00

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011 by Download Health eBook All
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