Fender Runaway Feedback Pedal

Fender Runaway Feedback Pedal

  • Model# 230-1040-000

From subtle sustaining feedback to all-out noise rock pollution the Fender Runaway Feedback Pedal has the sound you're looking for. Continuously control your feedback with this expression pedal effect. Choose your desired harmonic effect - fundamental, upper-fifth, or sub-octave harmonic - for your ideal sound, set your sensitivity, and the amount of effect into your signal with the various controls of the Runaway. This is the perfect pedal for creative exploration in musical textures and general ambiance. Expand your horizons with the Fender Runaway feedback Pedal toady!

List Price: $ 199.99

Price: $ 149.99

Kamis, 25 Juni 2020 by Download Health eBook All
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