Pro Co Turbo Rat Distortion Pedal

Pro Co Turbo Rat Distortion Pedal

  • Post punk/indie rock movement of the past twenty years.
  • Less compressed signal results in brighter tone to be heard through the mix
  • Famous built like tank steel chassis
  • Any excuse even abuse warranty

The Pro Co Turbo Rat is the most intense pedal in the Rat family. It provides a palette of distortion unequaled by any other pedal. This is why it has been the main ingredient in the post punk?indie rock movment of the past twenty years. Boasting more that twice the mazimum output of the original Rat, the Turbo Rat is hard clipping while the mids are slightly scooped. with a less compressed signal, it also has a brighter tone, so you'll have no trouble being heard through the mix. Distortion and Voulume controls dial in the perfect amount of gain while keeping the level consistent with your clean tone.

List Price: $ 144.99

Price: $ 144.99

Rabu, 30 Januari 2019 by Download Health eBook All
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