Egnater Tweaker 112 15W 1x12 Tube Guitar Combo Amp Black/Beige

Egnater Tweaker 112 15W 1x12 Tube Guitar Combo Amp Black/Beige

  • 12" Celestion G12H-30 speakerCool blue pilot lightAC power switchStandby switchVintage/modern switchMasterTweaker tone control circuitsUSA/AC/Brit switch tone controlsClean/hotGainMasterBright/normal setting switchDeep/tightInput jackEffects loopImpedance switchMain speaker outputExtension speaker connection250ma fast-blo fuseAC voltage selectorAC inlet and fuse

The same way a Swiss Army knife contains many tools (none of which are particularly impressive), most so-called "Swiss Army knife" amps give you a wide selection of less-than-ideal tones. But not the Egnater Tweaker 1 x 12" combo guitar amplifier. Why? Because the Egnater Tweaker doesn't pretend to be anything that it isn't. This incredible, portable, and affordable 15-watt guitar amplifier is a brilliantly engineered tube amp that lets you reconfigure the ways its preamp and power amp tubes interact.

List Price: $ 879.99

Price: $ 599.00

Minggu, 06 Februari 2005 by Download Health eBook All
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